Sunday, 27 February 2022

Turangawaewae- The place I stand (My place)

Over the past week room 8 super learners have been learning about places and how they may have purposes or are a special place to us because they give us a sense of belonging too.

  Kalo shares her learning about special places among other people Hopoate wrote about the places that are special to him

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Learning in Room 8

For the past two weeks Room 8 learners have been super busy. here is some work done by Kalolaine and Leva. It is all about 'The Treaty of waitangi'.

Here is some lovely explanation writing by Danielle

Below Kaylarni shows some math strategies she uses to solve maths word problems.

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Welcome back to school and happy blessed 2022 !

I would like to give a warm welcome to our new students Tupou and Hopoate to Glenbrae School! This past week Room 8 tamariki and myself have been getting to know one another. We have enjoyed playing games, fitness, learning through the arts , writing and having lots of laughs.. Room 8 tamariki certainly are a very creative bunch and enjoyed exploring the environment and learning about 'the Treaty of Waitangi'to end the week..